Professional Photographer Wedding images Northern Michigan
In the process of updating and changing my website to include my blog, I ran across a bunch of Wedding images that might have passed through the cracks and not gotten as much showtime as they should have received.
In the course of the year I will record and edit a hundred thousand images. A lot of these images that could be diamonds might be passed up for others. I feel that all of my images should receive their due diligence on the blog at some point. I know that this is not possible but here are some more beauties.
My blog and website are now one site! This makes it easy for me to update and for everyone to find. My blog address used to be and now everything is
You can now go to for all of your interests Paul Retherford.:-)
Here are some fun Wedding images from the past. These images are from all points of my travels, but mostly in the Midwest. I truly am fascinated by the locations that I have been asked to photograph events. I am honored every time a Client asks for my services. With that said, here are some more of my Wedding images. Enjoy!