What a great day in the UP today. It all started kind of cold this morning with low temps being 28 degrees. Yes, I said that correct. But is ended up in the 60s with a light breeze, pleasant.
My sister has her wedding this weekend and guess who is the wedding photographer. Should be a nice time seeing all of my relatives and such. She asked me long ago if I would like to be in the wedding or the photographer, and I passed for a millisecond and said photographer. I’m not sure if I love photography that much or I just don’t want someone else to muck it up and then hear from my sister for the rest of my life.
So, my sister is 4 years older than me and she has been planning this wedding for a while. I am been, in sorts, a partial wedding planner, but I have managed to stay away from really digging in deep. She will call me with questions and ideas but mostly she did everything herself.
Did everyone have a nice memorial weekend? I had a nice two days and a painful two days. The two nice days were awesome, weather, company, and scenery. The tow memorial days were painful because I got a bug, and you don’t want to know the rest. I basically slept Sunday and Monday away. Probably some sort of food poisoning. Kind of gross to think that I probably ate some fecal something, gross…
I was thinking for the hour that I was awake in the two days that I can literally count the times that I have been sick in my life, and count on one hand, maybe two, the times that I have vomited. Ok, that was kind of gross too, but really.
I played plumber today and fixed both of my leaky spigots outside. That is what happens when you buy a foreclosure house. I also repaired my garage door.
So, my car is in the shop again. I drive a nice older car with the name snob, I mean Saab, on it and it has been ticking. My water pump was going out and I am having it replaced tomorrow. My list of replaced items on the car:
-fuel pump, water pump, starter, car alarm, all belts, all tires
This all in 45,000 miles. I’m still trying to hold my head up, I did get a great deal on the car and it is a solid machine too.
My new yard yielded a forest of rhubarb. I am making my mother’s specialty rhubarb crunch right now. Basically it is a bunch of sugar and rhubarb. To die for, literally. Meg got some ice cream and we are going to party in 45 minutes!
I was out on our hill today and took some shots of the dogs. They are really cool. I’ll show some tomorrow with my post.
Go Pistons! Wings Rule so that don’t need encouragement. Tigers, well, they are well paid.;-)
Good night.