Grade School Girl asks me questions about Photography career

Area Grade School doing project on careers


A past bride of mine contacted me about having one of her students who wants to become a Photographer contact me.  She asked if it would be OK for her to email me a few questions so that she can finish a school project.  I was on board.  Here is the questions and my answers to her questions.


What is it like to go to work everyday?

The reason that I chose Photography as my career is that it is really not a job for me.  I have been doing Photography since I can remember.  With that said, going to work is part of my everyday routine.  I have a home office and I make time to complete my projects, stay organized, market myself, keep my Clients happy, and most importantly have fun.  Being that I am self employed, I set my own hours.  I probably work more than most people who have 9-5 jobs.  Having your own business is not easy and takes a lot of discipline, direction, and motivation.  I love it and lots of other business owners do too.


What do you do once you get to your studio?

Every morning I sit down and plot out my day.  I set goals that help me push forward.  Sometimes I answer emails and phone calls in the morning and sometimes I grab my cameras and head out to shoot.  No day is ever really the same.  Variety is what keeps me going.


Where did you study to become a photographer?

Being a Photographer is much more than grabbing a camera and learning how to use it.  I formally studied Photography from the 7th grade all the way up until some Master classes.  I learned my way through Yearbook in Junior High, High School, and College.  Most of the knowledge that I use today was learned through everyday life.  I grew up with a father who had a fishing business.  I worked on his boat with Clients everyday.  I learned to interact with people early in life and my business sense took off from there.  If you really want to be a great Photographer, learn all about business, speech, and relating to people.  Your Photography will come but make sure you are versed in business first.


How long did you have to go to school for?

I have a bachelor degree with some work towards a Masters degree.  You really don’t need a formal education in Photography, but I would suggest having one if you are serious.  I had thoughts of getting my Masters of Photography, but I decided that I didn’t want to teach Photography, I wanted to do it.  Education is wonderful and I highly recommend doing it.  Get a Master of Business and minor in Photography.  Photography is a field that is ever changing.  What I learned in school from Photography is ancient now.  I educate myself to the new technology daily by reading online, magazines, attending seminars, and talking with other Professionals.


How much money do you think you make a year?(if you feel comfortable answering)

I make enough money to support any normal family in the area.  I have worked hard to get where I am at right now.  It takes time to break into the industry and get a following of individuals who support you.  Don’t try to get to the top right away.  Take your time, enjoy yourself, and you will make a lovely living.  Just like any career, you can work more and make more at anytime.  Photography has so many avenues for income.  Pick one that interests you and connect with people who will help you succeed in this area of Photography.  I know Photographers who make $10,000 a year and I know Photographers who make upwards of $500,000 a year.  The area of Photography you choose and the connections that you make along your path will decide which income level you earn.  Always remember that having money doesn’t always mean having happiness.  Be true to yourself and the income portion will come along with you.


Enjoy your path to Photography.  It is an extremely rewarding career.  You will change people’s lives, perceptions, and feelings with your work.  If you enjoy it, stay with it.  If you don’t enjoy it, then look for a career that you do love.  Happy Holidays!


Best wishes

Paul Retherford

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    Petoskey, Michigan