Saugatuck, Michigan hosted a parade for St. Patrick’s Day. The parade was led by about 30 dogs, mostly in costumes. We took our two dogs, blue weimaraner and vizsla, and they did absolutely fantastic. The two of them are fairly high strung and they were saints. Sampson never growled once and he let everyone come and pet him on the head and rub his ears, which he usually does not like. It was a good day…
Afterwards, my wife and I visited Saugatuck Brewing Company for a couple of beers. They have a great beer much like guiness. We hung out there for a bit and watched the pub crawl people come through. We chatted with a few of the couples and then we had dinner at the Belvidere Inn. They had a five course Irish meal that was fantastic.
I was so amazed at how well the dogs were doing that I didn’t take a single image. The parade was like 10 minutes, if that, so I don’t feel too bad.
Meg and I love Saugatuck, the small town atmosphere with a big town culture.
See you next time.