Category Archives: Summer

Family Photography Central Lake Northern Michigan

Central Lake family photography Family Photography Central Lake Northern Michigan by Paul Retherford Photography. This family had a lawn the size of three football fields leading to Central Lake.  What a gorgeous log cabin set back from the lake. It is hotter than hot when I arrive.  No wind, everyone is smiling but I can...

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    Family Photography Walloon Lake Northern Michigan

    Walloon Lake family Photography Walloon Lake is a gorgeous turquoise lake in Northern Michigan with high-end, luxury homes and residents from all over the World.  This family is a Michigan family. Family Photography Walloon Lake Northern Michigan by Paul Retherford. Northern Michigan Summers should be just like this day.  Sun, light breeze, and relaxing on a...

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      Northern Michigan Engagement Party Crooked Lake Photography

      Crooked Lake Michigan Engagement Party An Engagement party on Crooked Lake in beautiful Northern Michigan?  Why Not!  Northern Michigan Engagement Party Crooked Lake Photography by Paul Retherford. The parent’s of the future bride live on Crooked Lake and they threw an Engagement party for the newly Engaged couple from Chicago. The party included neighbors, family and...

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        Petoskey, Michigan