Category Archives: Petoskey

Walloon Lake Engagement Photography HackerCraft Wooden Boat Northern Michigan

Engagement Photography Northern Michigan This is a special Engagement session for many reasons.  The first is that this family is a wonderful client and have been very good to me over the years.  The second is that Covid-19 halted their wedding plans in Copenhagen this week.  The third is the couple is gorgeous.  The last...

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    Petoskey Northern Michigan family photography Bellmer Road rental Vicki

    Petoskey Michigan family photography With Covid-19 in full force throughout the country, we are seeing a rise in the number of people who want to be in Northern Michigan.  I mean it makes sense since Northern Michigan is showing a low number of infected people.  The facts are that there are more people in Northern...

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      Walloon Lake Northern Michigan family photography

      Walloon Lake family photography You are having a vacation in beautiful Northern Michigan and wondering what to do in the free time.  How about an amazing family session at your vacation rental or near the lake?  Paul Retherford Photography is ready to capture your memories anywhere in Northern Michigan.  Walloon Lake Northern Michigan family photography...

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        Petoskey, Michigan