Category Archives: Petoskey

Family Portrait Session Inn at Bay Harbor Rainy Day Photography

Northern Michigan family portrait Photographer What do you do when you have a rainy day and only one day to get a family image?  Well, you find a way to get the family photo when the rain is light and you find a location to use the scenery and stay dry.  This is what is...

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    Engagement Photography Petoskey State Park Northern Michigan

    Northern Michigan Engagement What is better than a beautiful day at Petoskey State Park in the Summer?  Really?  Not much.  Well, maybe this couple and their cute dog. 🙂  Engagement Photography Petoskey State Park Northern Michigan Are you engaged and looking for a wonderful location for photography for your engagement?  How about Petoskey State Park...

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      Bay Harbor condos family photography Lake Michigan shoreline

      The Bluff at Bay Harbor family Photography A family reunion deserves a family photography session.  Especially when they come from all parts of the World.  This Bay Harbor family session is located on a private residence in the common area of the condo unit on The Cliffs of Bay Harbor.  Bay Harbor condos family photography...

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        Petoskey, Michigan